2024 Exploring Exceptionalism in Volunteer Management Series

2024 Exploring Exceptionalism in Volunteer Management Series

What does it take to move from being an adequate volunteer manager to an exceptional volunteer manager? To start with, you need good critical thinking skills and the ability to engage in creative problem-solving. Today’s volunteer manager must be assertive, solution-focused, and possess the ability to anticipate requests before they are received. This webinar will address what it takes to become an exceptional volunteer manager no matter how large or small your program may be. Continue reading

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2024 Hospice Billing Series

If you are part of a hospice revenue-cycle team, this three-part series is a must! It will help you maximize hospice reimbursements, provide exceptional care, ensure accurate documentation, and avoid billing mistakes. Medicare billing regulations can be overwhelming, and clarifications are continuous. Hospice reimbursement is driven by excellent care, accurate documentation, and a revenue-cycle team that can bring it home! This series will provide a thorough understanding and step-by-step guide to hospice billing. New billing staff will gain confidence and seasoned billers will benefit from the updates and refreshers. Continue reading

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Conducting an Effective Emergency Preparedness Tabletop Exercise

Your emergency preparedness plan must be tested annually and every two years a community-based exercise, facility-based exercise, mock disaster drill, or tabletop exercise must be completed. This testing must be documented in the emergency plan. Many agencies are unable to participate in community events and opt to utilize tabletop exercises – but do they meet the testing requirements?

This webinar will review the testing and documentation requirements for emergency preparedness, including requirements specific to tabletop exercises. You’ll learn how tabletop exercise scenarios are chosen, created, documented, and used to improve your emergency response. Continue reading

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Defining Exceptionalism in Volunteer Management

What does it take to move from being an adequate volunteer manager to an exceptional volunteer manager? To start with, you need good critical thinking skills and the ability to engage in creative problem-solving. Today’s volunteer manager must be assertive, solution-focused, and possess the ability to anticipate requests before they are received. This webinar will address what it takes to become an exceptional volunteer manager no matter how large or small your program may be. Continue reading

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Develop Your Care Continuum: Starting a Personal Care Service

This webinar will detail how a personal care/private duty service can strengthen and develop your current care continuum and how it adds value to your referral sources and current patient base. Learn what goes into developing a personal care service and the key ingredients for success. This session will provide practical advice, lessons, and tools to start a personal care service. Learn how a personal care service can contribute to an organization’s financial success. Continue reading

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Fostering Engagement & Success by Actions of Appreciation (Complimentary)

This webinar will delve into the transformative power of recognizing and acknowledging workplace contributions. Attendees will discover actionable strategies for creating a culture of appreciation that not only boosts employee morale, but also significantly enhances team performance. Through examples and practical tips, participants will be empowered to implement meaningful gestures of appreciation and foster a work environment where individuals feel valued and motivated and ultimately contribute to the organization’s overall success. Continue reading

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Hire Well, Live Well® – Hiring the Right People for the Right Roles

The expression Hire Well, Live Well® grows more significant in the face of unprecedented healthcare industry change. How satisfied are you with the people you hire? This webinar will expand your skills and understanding of the hiring process. Improved interviewing skills and hiring proficiency ensures stronger employment decisions, reduced turnover, and a more productive, coordinated team. Join us to learn employee onboarding methods that set new employees up for success. Continue reading

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Home Health Survey Readiness: Staying Survey-Ready Year Round

How would you respond if a surveyor suddenly walked into your agency for survey today? Would your stress level be off the charts? What if you could have your agency at a state of survey readiness year-round? Is it even possible? This webinar will explain the steps to becoming perennially survey ready by using your QAPI program as an evaluation tool, preparing your staff for survey visits, and learning how to design a mock survey. Continue reading

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Hospice 201: Updates for CY 2025 & Key Quality & Payment Model Initiatives

Hospice 201 will provide a current review of the hospice industry and what to anticipate with final rule updates for CY2025. It will look at hospice from a regulatory, compliance, reimbursement, and quality perspective. It will address how to prepare your agency to meet the changes, including touching on the introduction of the new HOPE patient assessment instrument.

This will be a high-level “touch point” webinar focusing on current trends and concerns impacting the hospice industry, including but not limited to key survey findings and how to remain as initiative-taking as possible in an industry that continues to embrace change and increased oversight. Continue reading

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Hospice Eligibility Documentation: Drilling Down the Details

Accurate hospice eligibility documentation is critical to fulfilling the CoPs and payment requirements. The lack of supporting documentation for a terminal prognosis is the number one reason for denial. Reviewers often look for a significant decline in patient condition. Although this is not a requirement of hospice care, a terminal prognosis is.

This webinar will help clinicians document the slightest changes in baseline measures. More importantly, it will explain how to capture the changes that support terminal prognosis – even without a decline in baseline measures. Go beyond the LCDs and common tools for documenting eligibility by drilling down to the details and characteristics that differentiate terminal and chronic patients with the same diagnosis. Continue reading

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Hospice Final Rule & Regulatory Update for 2025

This jam-packed webinar will provide updates on numerous issues, including changes to reimbursement, the Hospice Quality Reporting Program, and CAHPS Hospice Survey. It will also address the new HOPE instrument. Don’t miss this important rundown of the new hospice rules…

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Just Your Type: Stop Alienating Others with Written Communication

Emails, text messages, instant messages, direct messages, social media marketing, online review responses… so much of our daily work is now communicated through the written word rather than the spoken word. Unfortunately, much of it is not well written. Join us to learn how written communication impacts your effectiveness and reputation, and how you can stand out with your team and clients as a great communicator! Continue reading

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Navigating Difficult Conversations: Giving Feedback with Confidence & Compassion

This webinar is designed to equip you with the tools and strategies needed to navigate tough discussions with confidence and empathy. It will address various feedback models to help you structure effective feedback. In addition, it will explore some common responses to difficult conversations – denial, defensiveness, justification, and aggression – and provide techniques for managing these responses constructively.

Say goodbye to the days of feeling uncomfortable before a tough conversation. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your communication skills and build stronger relationships in both personal and professional settings. Continue reading

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Part 1: Eligibility Requirements & Notice of Election

New and experienced hospice billers should periodically review eligibility requirements and recent reimbursement and election clarifications. This session will examine eligibility verifications and Election Statement and Addendum and Notice of Election requirements under recent regulatory updates. It will walk through the Late Notice of Election and the exceptions process of appeal. A comprehensive review of eligibility requirements, all aspects of dealing with Election Statement changes, and everything related to the Notice of Election will be included. Continue reading

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Part 2: Details of Medicare Claims Processing

Recent years have brought an abundance of updates to hospice Medicare billing regulations. Accurate monthly claims and navigating around the edits and errors is key to timely, correct payments. This webinar will review the process step-by-step and provide real-world examples of how to successfully deal with the changes and effectively conduct physician billing. In addition, it will provide an overview of billing requirements for patients with a Medicare Advantage Plan participating in the VBID Model. Continue reading

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Re-Examining Boundaries: When to Step Forward or Back

So often a team member might be described as “difficult,” “ineffective,” or problematic” when in fact they are experiencing some form of burnout. End-of-life care requires specific skill sets for all team members and just because someone has a license or experience in a related field does not mean they will feel comfortable or adequate working in hospice or palliative care. Feelings of inadequacy can quickly lead to a dynamic called “learned helplessness” and/or a sense of burnout – which in turn can lead to problematic behaviors. It is imperative for managers and team members to have a thorough understanding of burnout and empathy fatigue and the knowledge and skills necessary to turn it around. Continue reading

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Recruitment & Retention for Outstanding Volunteers

Time to get off the “recruit, train, recruit, train” merry-go-round. If you are losing volunteers as fast as you get them, something is seriously wrong. One major mistake is failing to ensure your program is volunteer friendly and receptive. Volunteers should know that leadership is committed to providing them with the experience they seek. This program will cover everything you need to know about getting and keeping volunteers to meet the needs of patients, families, and your organization. Continue reading

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Reimagining Your Patient & Family Experience

Hospice and home care agencies are discovering that superior customer service experiences lead to increased satisfaction, which, in turn, brings greater compliance with treatments and clinical outcomes. And, sometimes important lessons are learned from outside the healthcare industry.

Join us to learn the essential elements needed to strengthen patient and family experiences. It’s critical to understand the importance of handling an inquiry call, the first 24 hours of being on service, and how to innovate your delivery system to drive excellence. In short, there are strong mission and business reasons to focus on creating an improved patient and family experience. Continue reading

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The Top 10 Misunderstood Regulations & Related Bad Processes

Do you know the top 10 misunderstood hospice regulations? This webinar will enhance your understanding, ensure compliance, optimize your hospice operations, and improve the quality of care provided to your patients.

Plan of Care and Contents: What is required and moving beyond cookie-cutter plans.
Attending Physician: The importance of understanding CMS intentions and addressing low participation rates. Why is high participation a good thing?
Patient and Family Assessment: Discover best practices for admissions and assessments, including the role of medical records, history, talking with patients and families, physical examinations, and admissions. Who can make a referral and/or request hospice services?
Eligibility: Learn about enhancing admission nurses’ assessment skills, presentation of hospice eligibility to physicians, and the inherent pitfalls.
Eligibility Variability: This section will address variability among hospice physicians. What should be done when you have deemed a patient not eligible, and another hospice immediately admits the patient and says they are eligible?
Eligibility Education: There is a lack of education and training within hospices about what makes a patient legally eligible for hospice. Utilization of change of terminal diagnosis, discharge, and revocation will be covered.
Information: What is really required for hospice informational consent, and election of benefits? How do families feel about the admission process? Why do most hospices give out too much information?
Initial Assessment: Clarifying best practices and common misunderstandings.
Comprehensive Assessment: Who does what, when, and by what deadlines. Explore how to improve thoroughness and accuracy.
Survey Awareness: Best practices for CAHPS survey awareness, including misconceptions and how to increase participation.
Bonus: How to handle a transfer and how long you should wait on the other hospice. Continue reading

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The Top 10 Ways for Agencies to Grow

This webinar will provide 10 essential elements for growing your hospice, home care, or personal care agency. It will provide a carefully thought-out architecture for growth that you can use to create a road map. The 10 areas will include:
1. Create a culture of excellence and growth
2. Deliver a quality service totally focused on the business of caring
3. Make your clinical team your best friend
4. The power of differentiation
5. Level of care management
6. Install a professional sales model
7. A diversified set of referral sources
8. A high performing intake function
9. Manage growth with data
10. Develop a state-of-the-art senior living community strategy Continue reading

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Top-Notch Volunteer Training & Programming

Is your volunteer training just an exercise in jumping through hoops? Is it boring or exciting? Is it short and sweet or comprehensive and based on the principles of adult learning? Are your volunteers so impressed by your training that they tell everyone they know that they have to volunteer with you, if for no other reason than to attend this fabulous education experience?

A high-quality training course followed by ongoing educational opportunities is the first step to building a strong program. Then moving from training to creative programming is essential to ensuring volunteers receive a meaningful experience and patients and families receive the best possible care. Continue reading

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Using Diversity, Equality & Inclusion Policy to Maximize Civility & Compliance

All it takes is one racially insensitive tweet or gender-biased text to turn off patients, employees, recruits, and the community. Don’t let insensitive email, prejudiced posts, or bullying blogs trigger lawsuits and damage your brand.

Learn how to put best practices-based content rules and policies governing email, Zoom, social media, mobile devices, and other electronic communications tools to work in support of your DEI policy program. Gain the know-how to establish and implement effective DEI policy and procedures designed to minimize litigation risks, manage employee behavior, and maximize compliance with federal/state laws and industry/government regulations. Continue reading

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