Raising the Bar for Bereavement Counseling & Services: New Approaches, Services & Skillsets
Posted on August 25, 2022
Date/Time: 08/25/2022, 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Provider: FHPCA
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Is your agency ready to elevate counseling approaches and raise the bar for hospice bereavement care?
Learn how to create a strong program that enhances services and can withstand whatever the future brings. The ideas discussed will add value and increase quality care without adding costs.
- Cite the Medicare definition of bereavement counseling
- Provide examples of qualifications for bereavement counseling supervision
- List risk factors that require a skilled bereavement counseling approach at admission
- Explain the use of three theoretical counseling frameworks to provide grief counseling, specifically in complex situations
- Identify three uses for e-counseling to reach people who are socially isolated or prefer e-communication
Do you ever feel that people who are grieving need more than your agency can provide? We are not talking about psychotherapy, but instead referring to higher levels of counseling, specifically related to the hospice death. This webinar will distinguish the differences between supportive measures and counseling. It will also cover how today’s hospice bereavement programs can raise the bar for current services without additional costs.
This informative webinar is designed for bereavement professionals and the leadership team. Anyone that provides bereavement counseling will benefit from attending.
- E-counseling bereavement services list
- Bereavement program evaluation checklist
- List of ways to increase services by using volunteers and professional volunteers
- Sample “check-in” scripts
- Extensive handout with lecture notes, references, and additional learning opportunities
- Training log
- PDF of slides and speaker’s contact info for follow-up questions
- Attendance certificate provided, however there are no pre-approved CEs associated with this webinar
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