How “Interdisciplinary” Are Your Team Meetings? Creating Meetings That Produce Collaborative Care

Date/Time: 10/20/2022, 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Provider: FHPCA

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Are your team meetings truly interdisciplinary? Does collaboration generate confusion and frustration?


Explore solutions to bring the team together and create a diverse and interdisciplinary group. Participants will learn to clarify their roles and achieve goals through shared responsibility for better patient and family care.
  • Discuss common challenges that interfere with providing interdisciplinary care
  • Appreciate how regulations encourage interdisciplinary team functioning but also create obstacles
  • Explore interdisciplinary team meeting styles, techniques, and strategies
  • List three ways to ensure exceptional meetings do not equate to longer meetings
  • Create a three-phase plan to develop high-functioning interdisciplinary group (IDG) meetings


The association of teamwork with interdisciplinary concepts is highly complex – and providing end-of-life care adds to the complexities. This webinar will explore methods that utilize team strengths to foster cooperative problem-solving approaches. It will address ways to avoid the trap of having multiple plans of care (e.g., the nurse’s, the social worker’s, and the chaplain’s plans) and teach participants to construct a plan that facilitates the understanding that everyone is responsible for all goals within their scopes of practice. The bottom line and highest priority are higher levels of patient and family satisfaction. Research shows this can be achieved through effective interdisciplinary team functioning. After this webinar you’ll understand the importance and impact of a true interdisciplinary care approach with a focus on team meetings.


This enlightening webinar is designed for all team members, especially those in charge of team functioning and IDG meeting facilitation. Senior leadership will also benefit from attending.


  • Assessment exercise
  • IDG team meeting leadership techniques and guide
  • Guide to keep meetings on track
  • Training materials for current and future team members
  • Planning exercise
  • Handout with additional lecture notes, references, and learning opportunities
  • Training log
  • PDF of slides and speaker’s contact info for follow-up questions
  • Attendance certificate provided, however there are no pre-approved CEs associated with this webinar

Presented By

Gary Gardia LCSW, APHSW-C

Gary Gardia


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