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Upcoming Events
3:00 PM - Medicare Compliance Series
3:00 PM - Length-of-Stay Approaches & Issues
3:00 PM - Hospice Special Focus Program Details

End-of-life care is not like flipping hamburgers at McDonald’s and it never can be. Hospice caregivers are there to assist people who are suffering and what they do should never just be “routine.” Experiences such as burnout, compassion fatigue, moral distress, and even upset in personal lives can diminish care at the bedside. The task at hand is to assist each and every person to have “their best possible end-of-life experience” and that can’t happen when the caregiver themself becomes an obstacle.
This webinar will take a deep and potentially difficult look at engaging in personal and professional insight on a regular basis to ensure staff are “more today than they were yesterday.” It will also explore helping teams self-assess how to function more effectively.

In this webinar, attendees will learn how clinical leadership decisions, such as staffing, scheduling, and case management, directly affect patient census, referral relationships, and the agency’s community reputation. It will also explore how designing a culture of growth starts with clinical buy-in and the right message and intention.
Join us to learn best practices for balancing clinical care quality with strategic growth, ensuring teams are staffed effectively and proactively, and handling complex admissions confidently. Participants will also explore the importance of fostering strong partnerships with referral sources and distinguishing their hospice through reliable, patient-centered care. Clinical managers and leaders can align their operations to support business goals through collaborative efforts with marketing, bridging the marketing-clinical gap thereby helping their hospice thrive in a competitive landscape.

Join us for an essential five-part Medicare compliance series designed to equip your team to confidently navigate Medicare regulations. All core services will be addressed, from medical director certifications, including both technical and clinical certification requirements, to documentation and requirements related to RN, aide, social worker, spiritual caregiver, volunteer, and bereavement services. Each session will provide actionable insights and documentation examples to guide your team.
This series will ensure your team complies with the regulations while enhancing care quality, improving reimbursement opportunities, and avoiding common reimbursement and compliance pitfalls. Don't miss this comprehensive guide to safeguarding your agency's success.

Part 1 of this five-part Medicare compliance series covers the hospice medical director, physician member of the IDG, and NP/PA. It will address the regulations, recent regulatory clarifications, who can certify terminally ill patients, and the role within the IDT/IDG. Both technical and clinical requirements for Medicare hospice eligibility will be reviewed as well as documentation to support both eligibility and ongoing terminality, including the physician narrative and F2F. All hospice medical directors, hospice physicians, NPs/PAs, and directors should attend this detailed webinar discussing roles, responsibilities, and complying with the regulations.

Conducting difficult conversations regarding personnel issues and applying the disciplinary process are the most avoided and often the hardest part of leadership. Even senior leaders tend to avoid difficult conversations and worry about them being confrontational. Meanwhile staff may be wondering why others are not being held to the same standards they are. By not addressing disciplinary or behavior issues, your organization may encounter overall poor employee morale, poor outcomes, lower productivity, higher employee turnover, and potential lawsuits.
This webinar will address the importance of having a discipline process that can be applied across the board and include steps towards resolution of the problem, not just punishment. It will identify key points of difficult conversations, developing coaching relationships, and effective action plans to encourage improved work performance.

Fear of discrimination and negative past experiences are just a few of the potential obstacles faced when caring for people from the LGBTQ+ communities. Additional impediments may be systemic within the organization, including non-inclusive information, resources, and processes; unprepared staff or volunteers; and team members who may not be the best fit. This webinar will focus on resolving potential obstacles in the hospice and palliative care environments when the goal is LGBTQ+ inclusivity and providing high-level care.

The three critical competencies of self-awareness – emotional self-awareness, accurate self-assessment, and self-confidence – each play a pivotal role. Emotional self-awareness is the ability to recognize and understand emotions as they arise, to navigate your reactions and make intentional decisions. Accurate self-assessment takes this further by enabling you to objectively assess your strengths, weaknesses, and areas for growth, paving the way for continuous improvement.
Self-confidence empowers you to trust in your abilities and take on challenges with a positive mindset. By mastering these competencies, you will not only improve your emotional intelligence but increase your potential for greater personal and professional success. This webinar will provide actionable tools to enhance each of these self-awareness skills, leading to more authentic interactions, stronger leadership, and elevated resilience.

Part 2 of this five-part series will review the roles of hospice RNs and aides. Frequent areas of survey challenges deal with hospice aides, supervision, and the hospice plan of care. Documentation, including assessments, what is required, and how to document to support terminality will be covered. This includes addressing common compliance and documentation challenges.
The webinar will also review high-risk admissions, how to use the LCDs in documentation, understanding the levels of care, required documentation, and common practices that put agencies at both survey and financial risk and how to avoid them.

Boosting admissions is an obvious way to grow your census, but increasing length-of-stay can be equally beneficial. There are two major methods to increase length-of-stay. First, remove internal barriers that cause admission delays. The second way is to cultivate referral sources that generate longer stays. Most hospices work the “middle” for referrals – hospitals, physicians, and skilled nursing facilities – which lead to short stays. There are a number of other referral segments that lead to greater length-of-stays. Personal care companies, faith-based groups, and senior living communities all provide hospices with the ability to work with patients and families. Learn more with this informative program.

As a result of hospice integrity mandates, CMS is launching the Special Focus Program to monitor agencies identified as poor performers based on the selected quality indicators. Hospices that are chosen will be under additional oversight, including every-six-months surveys, to enable continuous improvement. Enforcement remedies for noncompliant hospices could include termination from the Medicare program. This session will take a deep dive into the criteria used to calculate the scores that determine which hospices are subject to these reviews and details on how a hospice will graduate or be terminated from the program. Don’t miss this detailed session.

The answer might appear simple, yet the reality is that most hospices are doing far too much at the time of admission. Often, years of tradition and hospice lore still drive the process. These inefficiencies may ultimately lead to a less competitive service model that can reduce referrals and the quality of care. Join us to learn how to streamline your process.