Hospice A Source of Savings, Quality Care

by Roxanne Riley, Executive Director, LifePath Hospice

For years, state and federal lawmakers have tried to find an answer to escalating health care costs. At the same time, patients and families want access to quality health care that is both compassionate and cost-effective.

A new study once again reveals that one type of health care consistently provides significant savings while offering high-quality, individualized care that traditionally tops patient and family satisfaction surveys. That care is hospice care.
The journal Health Affairs published a study in its March issue that reinforces the cost-effectiveness of hospice care. The authors compared hospice patients with non-hospice patients and found $2,561 in savings to Medicare for each patient enrolled in hospice from 53 to 105 days before death. In addition, the study found that patients enrolled in hospice had significantly lower rates of hospital services and fewer in-hospital deaths.

Beyond the cost savings, hospice offers patients and their loved ones the specialized care to face the unique challenges associated with serious medical conditions. The hospice care teams professionally address pain and symptoms, so patients can avoid unwanted hospitalizations and remain in their homes, comfortable and calm, surrounded by family and loved ones. Additional support from hospice chaplains and counselors can help patients and families confront spiritual and emotional issues that can come with the end of life. Finally, hospice provides patients and families the dignity to make the most of the time they have remaining together. 

LifePath Hospice

Lifepath Hospice is a part of the Chapters Health System. Chapters Health System, formerly HPC Healthcare, is committed to improving the lives of those affected by advancing age and advancing illness, giving them independence when possible, comfort when necessary and dignity at all times.


To learn more visit chaptershealth.org.