Hospice Live Discharge Part 2: Eligibility Assessment, Documentation, Discharge Planning & the Care Continuum

Date/Time: 08/10/2022, All Day

Provider: FHPCA

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This webinar is part of the Hospice Live Discharge Package!

  • Define the five allowable types of hospice live discharges per the Conditions of Participation (CoPs)
  • Explain the hospice live discharge process and required documentation for each allowable type
  • Understand the importance of monitoring, measuring, and benchmarking live discharges
  • Recognize the characteristics of programs with problematic live discharges
  • Identify PEPPER target areas and why your agency should be monitoring them
  • Utilize PEPPER reports, including the live discharge data that draws the government’s gaze


Agencies continue to face the dilemma of length of stay and eligibility. People who are live discharged can feel like hospice services were talked up, but then yanked away due to ineligibility or other reasons. It is predicted that one in five patients could face a live discharge, possibly higher for those with a non-cancer diagnosis or for those in a for-profit hospice. This webinar will help your agency detect and train staff to know the difference between a revocation and a live discharge. It will review the need for ongoing hospice eligibility assessment per the Medicare benefit and why documentation supporting eligibility is crucial.
Take an in-depth look at the complex live discharge process with an emphasis on ongoing eligibility assessment, discharge planning, and a mechanism to support the care continuum even after services are discontinued. The program will review reports and statistics the government targets for live discharges to determine if your agency is operating under the radar. All these topics and more will be discussed in this highly informative webinar package.


This webinar package is designed for everyone in leadership, and strongly recommended for clinical managers and supervisors, quality assurance staff, CFOs, medical directors, intake coordinators, staff education RNs, assessment teams, MSWs, and administrators.


  • PEPPER Target Areas for Hospice
  • PEPPER Hospice User’s Guide: Eleventh Edition
  • Helpful links to:
    • Live Discharges Audit Tool
    • Hospice Medicare Billing Codes Sheet
  • Training log
  • PDF of slides and speaker’s contact info for follow-up questions
  • Attendance certificate provided, however there are no pre-approved CEs associated with this webinar/li>
NOTE: All materials are subject to copyright. Transmission, retransmission, or republishing of any webinar to other agencies or those not employed by your agency is prohibited. Print materials may be copied for eligible participants only.

Presented By

Kathy Ahearn

Kathy Ahearn

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