Home Health CoP 301: QAPI & the Survey Process

Date/Time: 06/06/2023, 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Provider: FHPCA

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Home Health CoP 301 will focus on the QAPI program requirements and the survey process.

It will discuss key compliance issues, including understanding MAC and OIG audits and how to take the stress out of surveys. This information is essential for all leadership, QA managers, and clinicians.
  • Identify the different Medicare Home Health Manuals
  • Understand the QAPI Conditions of Participation (CoP) requirements
  • Document QAPI activities and Performance Improvement Projects (PIPs)


The third webinar in this series will focus on the QAPI program – which is more than just a requirement. The goal is to not only meet the requirements, but to have a program that improves quality, patient outcomes, and agency success rates. This session will review the governing body role related to the QAPI program. Data is the foundation of an effective QAPI program. Learn how to gather, organize, analyze, and interpret the data to guide your activities year-round. It will take a deep dive into Performance Improvement Projects, including how to choose a PIP, team members to include, and what to document. Discussion of each QAPI requirement will also include an emphasis on how to present your program during a Medicare survey.
This Home Health CoP Compliance Series will highlight the critical CoP regulations, including insights into the requirements, audit recommendations, and how surveyors incorporate reviews of the Medicare Conditions of Participation. Understanding the CoPs is the cornerstone of your compliance program. With increased scrutiny on home health compliance expected to continue, keep your agency on track with this timely three-part series!


This informative session is designed for leadership, including managers, administrators, directors, QAPI team members, and clinicians.


  • Sample QAPI program document, dashboard, and PIP templates
  • Training log
  • PDF of slides and speaker’s contact info for follow-up questions
  • Attendance certificate provided, however there are no pre-approved CEs associated with this webinar
NOTE: All materials are subject to copyright. Transmission, retransmission, or republishing of any webinar to other agencies or those not employed by your agency is prohibited. Print materials may be copied for eligible participants only.

Presented By

Diane Link


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