2024 Hospice Clinical Management Series: Part 2: Effectively Managing Your Hospice Team


2024 Hospice Clinical Management Series: Part 2: Effectively Managing Your Hospice Team

Part 2 of this three-part webinar series will help new managers identify key areas of leadership focus and will cover the key elements of effectively managing a hospice team. Learn how the regulation defines team members, how to manage your team, what the expectations should be, qualifications, and competencies, both for orientation and annual skills training. Discover how to effectively run an IDT, how to prepare your team for an IDT, and how to prepare for recertifications to support terminality and hospice Medicare eligibility. In addition, this program will review the live discharge process and how to guide your team through the discharge process.

Part 2 is about leadership, administration, and how to guide your team with successful management of the patient plan of care through assessment, documentation, and the IDT process. New managers often lack the skillset to address issues of productivity, documentation timeliness, or quality of care so this is particularly critical for new hospice leaders as a guide through the regulations, hospice Medicare eligibility, and managing a team. Continue reading

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Bereavement Volunteer Training Part 2: Suicide Intervention, Screening Calls & Complex Situations

The Bereavement Volunteer Training program is designed for volunteers who have completed an initial hospice volunteer training course. Part 2 of this two-part series will address the role of the bereavement volunteer when thoughts of suicide are present and explain how to conduct screening and check-in calls. It will also explore volunteer-specific interventions when common complex situations occur in the bereavement setting, including the importance of setting and maintaining personal and professional boundaries. Continue reading

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Developing a High-Functioning Bioethics Committee

How many times a week do you wrestle with difficult clinical issues that involve complex moral and ethical components with no clear-cut answers? How often do your colleagues struggle with moral distress over clinical decisions and resource allocations? How many times have you reread a clinical policy and recognized that there are ethical components that are inadequately addressed? A well-functioning bioethics committee can assist with all these issues and more! Continue reading

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Hospice QAPI: The Cornerstone of Compliance

Your QAPI program must be an agency-wide, data-driven, quality-assessment, and performance-improvement program. In this session you will learn:
-Keys to a quality improvement program
-Regulations you need to know to establish a QAPI program
-How Hospice Outcomes and Patient Evaluation (HOPE) fits with QAPI
-How to utilize CASPER reports, analysis of high-risk/high-volume/problem-prone areas, the Hospice Care Index, and more to drive your QAPI program
-How to review project samples, audit tools, and indicators that will be provided Continue reading

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Increase Your CAHPS Hospice Responses & Scores

No leadership team can afford to overlook the public reporting and financial implications of their CAHPS Hospice Survey scores. This program will offer practical tips to boost your survey response rate and increase your scores. Join us to learn how to leverage these scores to elevate care quality and team performance – improved scores reflect excellent teamwork and should be a source of pride! Continue reading

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Reimagining Your Assisted Living Community Hospice

This webinar will address how assisted-living communities and healthcare organizations in general can better develop partnerships with hospice agencies to advance their mission and business objectives. You’ll learn an approach to providing a superior resident and family experience when receiving hospice services.

Innovative programming and services will be presented that will enhance service quality and strengthen communication between families, staff, and hospice caregivers. A successful partnership with hospice and assisted-living facilities will extend the care continuum. Continue reading

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